Friday, May 8, 2009

true story

Communication is a key part of marriage, everyone knows that. There have only been a few times in the last year that we have had a total communication breakdown. Tonight was one of those nights. It was such a fantastic breakdown that I just had to share.

Let me set the scene.

We are driving down 75 heading back to our apartment after a long day of moving and we are totally exhausted.

Laura: Huh, that person [in the car next to us] has dreads. Sigh.
Nathan: Really? You could tell?
Laura: Well, yeah.
Nathan: How?
Laura: I just looked and saw.
Nathan: Was she cursing at herself or yelling?
Laura: Uh, no. Why? Do people with dreads do that? Man, I need dreds; I totally fit that profile.
Nathan: Wait, did you say dreads or tourette's?
Laura: DREADS!

Anyways, hope you enjoy our little communication breakdown. Marriage is totally worth it, even in the non communicating moments.

1 comment:

Reese said...

Laura, you said tourette's.