Wednesday, September 2, 2009


"For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11

I know this verse. I have known it since 3rd grade. But it has always just been one of those happy, comforting, tell someone else to make them feel better when things aren't going their way verses.

I've never claimed it for me. Until now.

As many of you know, I was laid off in November. It was a dark time in my life. Then I got a new lasted 6 weeks and I was laid off again. Ouch.

These summer months have passed slowly for me. I've spent many of them discouraged beyond words. I would look for a new job for 4 hours every weekday. On average, I applied to 25 jobs a week. I got one response.

My darkest and most discouraging hour was last Monday night. I was truly convinced that I would never work again. That I would never reach any of my aspirations in life. That I would be stuck in Dallas forever.

And that's when God stepped in and rocked my world.

I got accepted in graduate school to get my Masters in Politics at the University of Dallas. With a 50% scholarship. And was given a significant grant (aka don't have to pay back!) from the state of Texas.


I start class today. I am taking 12 fantastic hours of classes that sound marvelous: Abraham Lincoln, Plato's Republic, International Politics, and Federalists/Anti Federalists.

I don't know what will happen come August when I graduate. I don't know if I will ever get to move back to Washington, D.C. I don't know if I will ever get to leave Dallas.

But I do know one thing.

At my lowest and darkest moment, God is still sovereign. He has a plan more masterful and magnificent than I can ever imagine.

So bring it on, grad school. I'm ready for this next phase of my life.


Reese said...

Wow, congrats... that's amazing. What school/program? Is it online? Have a good one. You'd both better come visit before I leave for Norway in January.

Anonymous said...

Yay. I'm excited for you, and excited to see how God allows this to all turn out.

Love you.

Jennifer said...

Congratulations! I'm glad that you get to be in Dallas (near us) AND do something that you enjoy! Praise God!

Anonymous said...

I also went through a really trying time and at times I thought I had reached my final straw and wondered what and where God was. I knew he was there I just wondered how, when and what and as you also found out when I reached my lowest point he opened that door and blessed me beyond belief and now I wake up daily thanking him from the hair on my head to my tippy toes for what he is doing in my life and for using me in his service because without him to lean on and depend on I would have been lost in the dark and depression of being layed off and with no hope but alteast with God I knew things had to get better and they did beyond anything I could have imagined. I was told I couldn't finish school and God opened that door and I will be starting my Master's degree on the 22nd. Again God bless you and keep you always and thanks for sharing your story it is inspirational and so needed. I wish we would have keep in contact I know I could have used someone like you to talk to at those really tough times. even if you quote the same verse you have known since 3rd grade. I could have used it. God bless.. your sister in Christ always and eternally Christy Jenkins (Earthquake)