Wednesday, October 27, 2010 days

In honor of the election taking place in seven days and completely consuming the lives of campaign staffers all across America, including mine, I will be posting every day various ways you can identify an overworked, underpaid campaign staffer. This is important for you to recognize as they are likely running on little sleep, caffeine, last weeks pizza from the fridge and they could snap at any moment.

{Disclaimer: at this point, I realize that it’s 6 days away from the election. I meant to post this yesterday but got distracted by, well, everything. Take your pick of things that distract you, I was probably distracted by it. Off the top of my head, yesterday I dealt with a screaming cursing man who didn't like my candidate, a high school kid who hung up on said man, an internet outage, a sweet older lady who couldn't figure out how to make a call, and a deluge of Vietnamese callers who could not understand what I was asking and vice versa. Today I've dealt with the killer mosquitos in my apartment, my car being five months past the registration date (thank you for pointing that out officer), a tire that needs to be changed on my car, a tire that needs to be changed on our other car and I still have to find time to do laundry and throw things in a suitcase for Italy. By the way}

#1. You know you’ve seen a campaign staffer when you spot someone running down the aisles of the grocery store, grabbing boxed foods that can be eaten on the go and are juggling two cell phones – on one they are talking and the other they are emailing. Most likely in this scenario they are on a conference call with the candidate and trying to sound like they are in the office, so do your best to avoid them.

#2. You know you’ve encountered a campaign staffer when you ask them a simple question and as they answer your question their voice slowly starts to rise and they get really passionate about their answer. If that’s the case, it’s simply because they are used to defending the every move of their boss.

More to come…..

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