Monday, November 9, 2009

A Thankful Heart

November 7, 2009: I am thankful for books. My little sister aptly reminded me this weekend that I used to get grounded from reading when I was a kid. Most kids get grounded from TV or playing outside or their friends. Not me. Nope, my mom would take away my books and I would cry for days. My recent favorite books are the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde.

November 8, 2009: I am thankful for my iPhone. I resisted for a long time but finally gave in when Nathan bought one for me in September. I love having Facebook and Twitter in my fingertips during a boring class. I love having Google maps with me in my car when I am lost. Most importantly, I love Tetris. It's my new favorite game to play. Seriously, I might be obsessed. I dare you to break my high score.

November 9, 2009: I am thankful for my diploma from Texas A&M. There was a huge debacle at the end of the my senior year and I didn't end up getting my diploma for another year and a half. Like I said, huge debacle. I fought and fought for that diploma and am so grateful for it! I wouldn't have chosen to get my diploma the way I did, but I am so much more grateful for it than I would have been any other way!


Hannah and Scott said...

Goodness Gracious...what kind of debacle would have caused you to get your diploma a year and a half late?!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh it was terrible! The day before graduation a professor "lost" my final assignments and told me that I never turned them in!! Even though I had copies of it to show my professor and the administration, they sided with the professor! I did a formal petition and was turned down. They ended up making me retake the class online. It was terrible!